Email Messaging and SMS Messaging Reporting

Access a report of all emails sent and SMS messages sent from your PDCflow account via two different Reporting pages in your PDCflow account.

Use the Email Messaging to view the emails that have been sent from your account and the delivery status of emails.

Use SMS Messaging to view a list of phone numbers SMS have been sent to as well as delivery status.


Access SMS Messaging and Email Messaging Reports

Navigate to the Reporting tab on the primary navigation of your PDCflow. Selecting either the SMS Messaging or the Email Messaging page link.


Permission to View SMS Messaging

Users who have related Reporting Security permissions will be able to access the SMS Messaging page. The security groups assignments that will grant access to SMS Messaging include:

  • Reporting - View Flow Reports 
  • Reporting - View Schedules


Permission to View Email Messaging

Users who have related Reporting Security permissions will be able to access the Email Messaging page. The security groups assignments that will grant access to Email Messaging include:

  • Reporting - View Card Reports 
  • Reporting - View Cash Reports 
  • Reporting - View Check Reports 
  • Reporting - View Flow Reports 
  • Reporting - View Schedules


Still Need Help? 

Please reach out to our Customer Success team via email at if you need any more help.