1. PDCflow Help Center
  2. Transactions/Payments

Payer Authorization to Reuse Payment Methods

Your customers can give their consent to have their payment method saved for future use. If a consumer gives their consent then that payment method can be stored and accessed at a later time for use on payments due including scheduled payments. 


Payer Authorization via Flow

When an employee enters payment information into the PDCflow app, they can indicate if the payer has authorized them to store that information for future use. The payer authorization checkbox should be checked if the payer has granted authorization to store payment credentials for future transactions or a payment schedule. If the checkbox is not selected then that payment’s credit card number or bank account number will not be available for later use. 



When a Schedule is created, the system assumes payer authorization has been given for the schedule’s transactions. 

However, when the Send Consent Request option is set to YES on a schedule, then a Consent Request Flow is sent via email and/or SMS requesting the payer's consent for the schedule. That Flow must be successfully completed before the associated schedule will be activated. The Flow report can be accessed on both the schedule's details page and Flow Reporting.  


Still Need Help? 

Please reach out to our Customer Success team via email at support@pdcflow.com for further assistance.