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  2. Configure Account Management

Overview About Directives

Account directives—also called "Directives"—are the payment processing settings for your depository accounts. Directives designate where payments will be deposited and how payments ought to be labeled and processed for check (ACH), credit card, and cash transactions. 


Below is information about how to view and manage directives for your PDCflow account. 


What do Directives Do?

A simple description of what a directive does is designate the path for transactions to process and for payments to be deposited. The available settings for a directive are determined by the payment method—card, check, or cash.


Card Directives

  • Activation status controls if the directive can be used to process transactions
  • Set which card types can be accepted for payments
    • Directive name

Check (ACH) Directives

  • Activation status controls if the directive can be used to process transactions
  • Assign the Authorization-required SEC code for payments made toward the Directive: ARC, CCD, PPD, RCK, TEL, or WEB (learn more about Authorization Requirements and NACHA-mandated SEC codes here)   

Cash Directives

  • Activation status controls if the directive can be used to process transactions
  • Directive name


Setting Up Directives

Our Customer Success Team will configure most directive settings. If you need to change your directives in ways you can't access within your PDCflow account please contact our Customer Success Team.


Managing Directives in Your PDCflow Account

Access directive settings by selecting the Configure tab in your PDCflow account's primary navigation and clicking Directives. The active directives for your PDCflow account will load as a list. To view or edit details of a directive click the Edit button (a pencil icon). 

  • Directive Name: set the visible name for the Directive that should appear on payment details
  • Activation Status: set a Directive to Active or Inactive (if a Directive is set to Inactive, future payments can be reassigned to another available and valid Directive)
  • Allowed Card Types: set a Card Directive to accept specific card types 
  • SEC Code: assign the Authorization-required SEC Code for a check Directive (learn more about Authorization Requirements and NACHA-mandated SEC codes here

Inactivating a Directive

If a directive should no longer be active or available for future payments, you can inactivate a directive:

To access this setting, navigate to Configure > Directives and click the Edit button (a pencil icon) next to the appropriate directive. Change the activation status to INACTIVE. If there are valid replacement directives available you will have the option to select one. Assigning a replacement directive moves any active records (scheduled transactions, outstanding Flows, and post-dated transactions) from the directive being deactivated to the replacement directive. To move all active records to a different directive, make a selection here. When you’re finished, click Save Directive. 

Activating a Directive

If you need to activate an inactive directive, navigate to Configure > Directives and click the Active Only drop-down menu and select the Inactive Only option. From this list find and click the Edib button for the appropriate directive. Change the activation status to ACTIVE. When you’re finished, click Save Directive. 

Other Directive Updates

For security reasons, many sensitive payment settings can only be updated by contacting our Customer Success Team. To initiate other updates to a directive, send an email with your PDCID, your contact info, and non-sensitive information about the needed change to support@pdcflow.com

For information about migrating Directives via API integration, view our Schedule Service documentation here or contact our API Developer Support Team.