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How to Create an Interactive Overlay for Documents

Overlays allow recipients to sign, enter text, or check a box directly on the document you send them in a Flow request. This guide will show you how to create document overlays for your Flow templates.

Collect information and approvals quickly and consistently.

When to Use Overlays

Use overlays when you need recipients to:

  • Sign a document electronically (esignature)
  • Enter text information in specific locations
  • Check a box to acknowledge something

Creating a Document Overlay

Here's how to create a document overlay for your Flow template:

  1. Navigate to Overlays: Go to Configure > Flow Components > Overlay. Click + New Document Overlay.
  2. Upload Your Reference Document:
    • Upload a PDF document (less than 7MB) that shows where you want recipients to interact with the document.
    • Ensure the PDF doesn't have any security restrictions. If it does, remove them before uploading.
  3. Name Your Overlay: Give your overlay a clear and descriptive name.
  4. Add Interactive Elements:
    • Click the desired element from the "Element Options" list (Signature, Date Box, Check Box, Big Signature, User Text).
    • Click and drag the element to the specific location on the document where you want the recipient to interact.
  5. Customize Elements (Optional):
    • Signature & Big Signature: Recipients will be required to sign here using their finger (mobile) or mouse (desktop).
      • You have the option to add a Description that will be displayed to the recipient when they click on the element.
    • Check Box: Optional for recipients to select.
    • User Text: Recipients will be required to enter text information in this designated area.
      • You have the option to add a Description that will be displayed to the recipient when they click on the element.
      • Drag the edges to adjust the text box size.
      • Use the "Font Size" dropdown to adjust character size and capacity.
      • Use the "Pre-populate Value" dropdown to automatically fill the text box with recipient information (e.g., First Name).
  6. Using Overlay Groups (Optional):
    • For complex forms or multiple recipients, consider using Overlay Groups.
    • Click and name a new Overlay Group in the "Overlay Group" dropdown on the right.
    • Add elements specifically to this group.
    • Use the "All Overlay Groups" options on the left to view elements for the entire overlay or specific groups.
  7. Add Elements to Each Page (if applicable): Click "Next Page" or "Prev Page" to navigate and add elements on different pages of your document.
  8. Save Your Overlay: Once you've finished adding and customizing elements, click "Save Overlay" to save your work.

By following these steps, you can create clear and interactive overlays for your Flow templates, streamlining your document collection and approval processes.


Do you still need help? 

Please reach out to our Customer Success team via email at support@pdcflow.com for more help.