1. PDCflow Help Center
  2. Transactions/Payments

How do I print or email a receipt?

When you utilize PDCflow to take payments you can also print and email payment receipts. In this article, you’ll learn how to: 

  • Print and email receipts when creating a payment 
  • Use Reporting to locate transactions and print and email receipts


Print and Email Receipts When Creating a Payment

When you successfully process a payment via your PDCflow account Dashboard a popup notification will let you know: “Transaction Successful! Confirmation number:...” 

You will be taken to a Transaction Successful page that displays the payment receipt and offers several options including the option to enter an email address and click “Send email” to send a copy of the receipt via email.  

Another button offers the option to “Print receipt” from this page.


Print a Receipt From Reporting

To print a receipt from a past transaction, navigate to > Reporting > Financial Reports> All Approved.

Search for the transaction using options search fields (name, date range, or other data about the needed transaction) and click Search.

Email a Receipt

A list of transactions will load. Find the needed transaction and click on the email button (envelope icon). Enter the recipient’s email address in the field and click Send email and a copy of the receipt will be emailed to the recipient.

Print a Receipt

On the list page, click the print button (printer icon) to print the receipt from this page. 


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Take a Payment


Still need help? 

Please reach out to our Customer Success team at support@pdcflow.com for further assistance.